Below are some theological resources for your reference. They are intended to enrich your relationship with our great and good God. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to someone on our team. We would love to have a conversation with you!
Confessions and Catechisms
The Utility and Importance of Creeds and Confessions – Samuel Miller
The Athanasian Creed by R.C. Sproul (
Westminster Shorter Catechism – The Westminster Standard
Westminster Larger Catechism – The Westminster Standard
The Westminster Confession – The Westminster Standard
The Three Forms of Unity | Ligonier Ministries
The Presbyterian Standards – Francis R. Beattie
The Westminster Confession: A Commentary – A. A. Hodge
Systematic Theology
Systematic Theology – Louis Berkhof
Systematic Theology – Charles Hodge
Matthew Henry Concise Bible Commentary
John Calvin: Calvin’s Commentaries (
Theological Foundations of the Reformation By Derek W.H. Thomas
What is Definite Atonement? By R.C. Sproul
Why Baptism? By Robert Godfrey
Presbyterian, Examine Thyself By Jeff Meyers
Other Online Resources
Ligonier Ministries (
Reformed Forum – Reformed Theological Resources
The Log College & Seminary (
Reformed Theology and Apologetics (
Reformed Resources (